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Our Miracle of Healing! Pt. III: A Breakthrough At Last

We spent a while packing up our things, including sleeping bags and pillows. Keith was finishing up last-minute cleaning around the house, and I was anxious to leave. The three sick children had been bathed, but I had decided to wait until we got to Vicki’s to bathe baby Abigail.

Just as Keith began to pack up our little blue car, the phone rang. It was a very disturbed Vicki. She said, “You’ll never believe this, but the lady I’m going to be coaching at the hospital has just gone into labor. I’ve got to go to her home to help her.” I was stunned. What timing this was! Vicki said, “You can come on over if you’d like. Rusty will be home later, and I’m sure he won’t mind you all spending the night.”

I hung up the phone in a daze. When I told Keith, he immediately said, “Then let’s stay here. I didn’t want to leave in the first place.” Normally I would’ve fought him on this one, but strangely enough, I pondered the situation for a few minutes then agreed with him. We’d stay here one more night. I was disappointed that we wouldn’t be able to spend the evening with our friends, but I felt an unusual peace about staying home.

To continue reading the account of this miracle, click LONGING FOR HIM, the pastors personal blog.

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