Times of Refreshing (on the Old Paths) located at "The Well" in Walnut Cove, NC is a group of believers in Jesus who want to see a threefold change in our town of Walnut Cove, as well as worldwide. We desire first of all to see a spiritual transformation in all people—salvation for the lost and positive growth in Christians. This is the foundation for all other change.
Next we want change in the emotional realm—healing of hurts/depression/generational wounds and deliverance from the vicious cycles of drug and alcohol abuse prevalent in our town.
Finally, we are working toward physical transformation of people AND our town. That includes healing, per Jesus' example, of all sickness and disease. We also expect to see a difference in the physical appearance of Walnut Cove, which has been allowed to deteriorate as buildings have often been left in varying states of disrepair.
As our name indicates, our ministry wants to provide refreshing, as led by God, for the wholeness of spirit, soul and body in all mankind. We believe that often this results from seeking and walking in the "old paths" where the Bible says rest can be found. (Jeremiah 6:16)

We are a Christian ministry whose roots reach back to 1999 when a small group of prayer warriors began weekly prayer meetings to intercede for a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost in the town of Walnut Cove. The movement grew, going through several stages through the years and finally resulting in Times of Refreshing (on the Old Paths).
Our first meetings as TOR were held in a local beauty salon. When that locale became unavailable, our group moved to a member's home. During that time, we incorporated with the State of North Carolina on June 22, 2011.
We became federally incorporated as a 501(c)3 on October 18, 2012. Shortly after that, we became recipients of a house, formerly the residence of Lois Dodson Smith, in downtown Walnut Cove. Lois had made it known before her death that she wanted to give her two-story, white, frame house to TOR to use for God's glory in Walnut Cove.
We are currently restoring the dwelling which had been unoccupied for several years before being deeded to TOR.

Pastor Leslie Bray Brewer has been called to minister to Walnut Cove and has a heart for the people of the town. Her cries for revival in Walnut Cove have given birth to TImes of Refreshing Ministries. God has blessed the ministry with a meeting place, called The Well, where the presence of Lord is sought.

Leslie is joined by her husband, Alan Brewer, who serves alongside her, often times behind the scenes working tirelessly to ensure special meetings and events run smoothly. Alan serves as Vice-President of the ministry.
Leslie's five children are all actively involved in the ministry at Times of Refreshing. Meghann Evans is the keyboardist who operates in a minstrel's anointing as she ministers through music and song. Her sister, Chelsea Evans, also ministers in praise and worship through song and interpretive dance/sign language. Elijah Evans helps lead the youth ministry, United in Christ (UIC), choreographing and leading praise dance/hip-hop routines, as well as ministering through prayer, song and the spoken word. Abigail Evans serves in many capacities, including song, dance and flag ministry. Young Malachi Evans often prays for those in need through the laying on of hands, with a special gifting and calling from God to minister.

We meet for worship services on Sunday at 10 a.m. and for Bible study/prayer on Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Any type of dress is acceptable as long as it is modest.
Children worship with parents, but there is a nearby room where they can go to play and parents are still able to hear and participate in the service.
Our services are not traditional but rather are based more on the organic services described by the Apostle Paul in his letters to the churches. We strive to follow the leading of the Holy Ghost in each gathering. Generally, there is singing (worship/praise songs with some traditional hymns), testimony time, teaching/preaching, prayer and operation of gifts of the Spirit as led by God.
We occasionally schedule intercessory prayer on another night of the week, as well as special healing services and baptismal services. Private prayer/counseling is available by contacting us.
Regular Service Times
Sunday: 10 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 pm.
Other times of intercessory prayer, special healing services and baptismal services are announced on our social media channels. Be sure to follow us.
Our mailing address is:
Times of Refreshing
PO Box 741
Walnut Cove, NC 27052
Call or text Pastor Leslie at 336-529-9857
or fill out the contact form & we’ll get back in touch with you.